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Will to Live

on 23 Jul 2015

Ashley asks

Hi Lauren,

I hope this email finds you well.

I just wanted to send you a quick message to introduce myself as I'm a writer for Lucky Break magazine here in NZ and I've just read about Wilhelmina's story. She sounds like an incredibly inspiring woman!

I wanted to reach out in support as we'd love to chat with her and share her story in our magazine in the hopes we can help raise awareness and funds for her in the process. Hopefully we can help make some lasting memories for her and her family as well!

Let me know your thoughts and please feel free to pass on my details to Wilhelmina if this is something she'd like to do.

Warm regards,



Hi Ashley,

I thought I would reply here so those following this page can see the outcome, even though we've all be emailing separately.

I'm so happy you got in touch and have now spoken with Wil via phone to get her story. I understand the article is going to run in your Christmas edition. Fantastic and I will certainly look forward to reading it!

Thank you so much again for your interest in a dear friend's plight.

Warm regards


Lauren Fantham

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