Shoot for a cure for Type 1 Diabetes

$640 donated
Given by 14 generous donors in around 12 months

Give Diabetes a shot and shoot for a cure for Type 1 diabetes


I am raising funds for SCSNZ on their journey to finding a cure for Type 1 diabetes.

SCSNZ have been researching adult stem cells and their ability to halt the auto immune process that affects the pancreas from producing insulin. If you care about the overall health of the Type-1 Diabetes community you will invest in this organisation. Their research programme has the opportunity to provide life changing medical treatment for over 25,000 inflicted with this horrible disease.

Please help me in my goal to reach $500 towards the #givingtuesday campaign that SCSNZ is running on Tuesday 29th of November.

One Day, One Click, One Minute………Thank you!

BREAKING NEWS- a new initiative is being started under the Give diabetes a shot name. Due to the number of people giving diabetes a shot diminishing I have added a new part to the challenge. You can nominate ME to give diabetes a shot for YOU! You pick the challenge and how much you nominate and I'll try the challenge for you. Another change is If I don't get it you pay the nominated amount BUT if I do, then you pay double. Seems fair! Alternatively you can step up to the plate and do it yourself. I await your nominations.

PLEASE SHARE - Introducing Give Diabetes a shot!

My 6 year old son is diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes which involves being given multiple finger pricks and injections or shots each day. To raise awareness of this chronic illness and to raise money to find a cure for this disease I have come up with the 'Give Diabetes a Shot' challenge.

Rules: Any sport, any shot. Attempt any shot in any sport and nominate your donation amount. If you are successful with the shot that you have selected- you donate your nominated amount to diabetes research or any diabetes research charity in your country.

Examples could be a drop kick in rugby, penalty in football, snooker shot, basketball free throw, weight lifting attempt, ANYTHING!

BUT If you miss your selected shot you must pay double your nominated donation to the diabetes charity. So if you nominated $5 to get the shot and missed you pay $10. Simple.

After your attempt you nominate a friend to Give Diabetes a Shot and shoot for a cure for Type 1 diabetes!

Gavin Clark's involvement (page creator)

My 6 year old son and my dad.

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Latest donations

Smiller on 03 Mar 2017
Donation for missing my golf shot + interest for forgetting to donate (what an idiot). Sending lots of love to Caenan and the family from Aberdream xx

Nice one!

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Nov 2016
Your challenge Gav, is to work out who I am, and offer generous congratulations on FB when Celtic lift the cup on Sunday....not too taxing a a challenge!
Sanz on 12 Nov 2016
Missed my badminton shot.
John & Jackie Stewart (Aberdeen)
John & Jackie Stewart (Aberdeen) on 12 Nov 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Nov 2016

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This campaign started on 11 Oct 2016 and ended on 11 Oct 2017.