Fundraiser 2017 Run For Research Caitlin and Nathan

$1,615 of $2,000 goal
Given by 21 generous donors in 10 weeks

We are part of a team of Type 1 Children, Adults and supporters running the Queenstown Marathon on 18th November.


We are running to raise awareness for Type 1 Diabetes. All proceeds raised will go to SCSNZ who are a research group based in the Centre for Innovation in Dunedin. They have a scientific team studying stem cells and regenerative medicine for the betterment of human health, in particular - Type 1 diabetes, spinal cord injuries and other auto immune diseases. Thank you for your consideration in helping us pave the way in stem cell research in New Zealand.

Julie Crawford's involvement (page creator)

Caitlin was diagnosed when she just turned 6 years old with type 1 diabetes. Her whole life changed and will never be the same for her and her family. She would love to be a normal kid that can go for sleepovers and not test her blood glucose 7 or more times a day!!

Caitlin and her dad, Nathan will be running the 10km run to help find a cure!!!

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Participating in

Fundraiser 2017 Run For Research #CAC4T1D

We have a team of Type 1 Children, Adults and supporters running the Queenstown Marathon on 18th November to raise awareness for Type

Latest donations

Duncan, Lisa, Molly and Alice
Duncan, Lisa, Molly and Alice on 18 Nov 2017
Go Caitlin! Great effort and for a good cause!
Bron on 17 Nov 2017
Good luck team
Marque on 16 Nov 2017
AJ on 16 Nov 2017
Enjoy! :)
Davis family
Davis family on 16 Nov 2017
Go team Crawford!!

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Paying to SCSNZ
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This campaign started on 12 Sep 2017 and ended on 25 Nov 2017.