Project Hope - Sands 2015 Conference

$690 donated
Given by 15 generous donors in around 6 months

PROJECT HOPE: Is about parents supporting parents after the loss of a precious baby or child.



Is about parents supporting parents after the loss of a precious baby or child. We are raising funds to support the not for profit, Sands Wellington-Hutt Valley volunteer group and the Sands National Conference: Everyday Courage, Compassion and Connection. Both are aimed at connecting and sharing so that the journey through the haze of grief can be more gentle…providing healing through hope.


Joan Curle is a good sort, honoured on tele and revered by those who belong to the club that no one wants to belong to, those who lose a precious child.

Joan has helped families like mine through their grief journey for the past 23 years in the name of her baby who died, Andrew.

Joan has cancer.

Yet again she battles on with integrity, giving the big finger to adversity and remaining strong in her support for the Sands vision to help those of us who suffer loss. Joan is a trooper, Joan is our club mother and mentor and now Joan, like so many others, needs our help.

Please help Joan continue the work she does so selflessly for those you know, YES you’ll know someone, or you’ll know someone who knows someone or you may be that someone yourself.

At Sands, in honour of Joan and all of the parents who have lost precious children and those who support them we have invited 4 global leaders in baby loss, grief management and healing to New Zealand to share their knowledge, skill and experience so that the journey through the haze of grief can be more gentle…healing through hope.

This and the ongoing Sands Wellington Hutt Valley volunteer work comes at a cost. Please help Joan and our group make these services available to all by giving a little or a lot in support of Sands, maybe in the name of someone you’ve lost. We will acknowledge your kindness and from one parent to another - pay it forward.


Project Hope is raising money two-fold, to fund in part, the Sands Conference and the ongoing Sands Wellington Hutt Valley efforts. We are volunteers but most importantly we are bereaved parents paying it forward. We provide support by phone, email, Facebook and in person; run support meetings in the community; provide Moses baskets, clothing and memory making items to Wellington and Hutt hospitals; and run training events for health and caring professionals.


The Sands Hutt Wellington team is led by Vicki Culling and Joan Curle, the committee members are: Pania, Catherine, Rebekah, Laura, Emily, Erica, Debs, Sarah, Laura, Penelope, Linda, Anna, Maree and me – Lisa.


Project Hope has a target of $6,000 this will fund registrations for many bereaved parents and student midwives but in all honesty the need is ongoing and all funding is gratefully received.


And we will be here for someone you know, YES you will know someone, or know someone who knows someone or you may be that someone yourself. We will be here helping, connecting, paying it forward and trying our best to offer a little healing through hope…

Sands Wellington-Hutt Valley's involvement (page creator)

Sands Wellington-Hutt Valley is hosting the Sands 2015 National Conference and continues to support the Wellington-Hutt Valley region.

About us

We are a volunteer, non-profit organisation that supports parents and families following pregnancy, baby or infant loss. We provide support by phone, email and in person, run support meetings in the community, give out resources and information, raise awareness, provide memory making materials to Wellington and Hutt hospitals, and run training for health and caring professionals. We appreciate any and all support so that we may pay it forward to other bereaved parents.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Jun 2015
Karen Chapman
Karen Chapman on 21 May 2015
Jodi Morrison
Jodi Morrison on 15 May 2015
Tessa, John, Alex and Emily
Tessa, John, Alex and Emily on 14 May 2015
Jade TT | LNZ15
Jade TT | LNZ15 on 09 May 2015
All the best with reaching your goal Lisa &co... No doubt the conference will be invaluable!

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sands Wellington-Hutt Valley (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 31 Dec 2014 and ended on 18 Jun 2015.