A Tuk Tuk for the ultra-poor

$2,535 of $1,480 goal
Given by 26 generous donors in 4 weeks

We need a tuk tuk for deliveries to our critically poor farmers who earn less than $2 a day. We provide them with a business-based program


We now have 32 ultra-poor families raising commercially bred chickens in purpose-built coops. In the last 35-day chicken raising round every farmer made a healthy profit, averaging US$21.57.

Many of our ultra-poor farmers more than doubled their monthly income for an extra 1–2 hours work a day.

To assist other critically poor people we need your help.

About us

We empower ultra-poor rural Cambodians to run their own successful small-scale poultry enterprise to stabilize and increase their income so they can meet their basic needs. Microfranchisees in our programme receive ongoing support and access to outside markets to achieve profitability. This enables them to work towards a stable, sustainable future and plan beyond day to day survival.

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Latest donations

Joy Ramirez
Joy Ramirez on 01 Feb 2014
Peter on 28 Jan 2014
Get a GT tuktuk
Karl Ranson
Karl Ranson on 25 Jan 2014
Jodie on 24 Jan 2014
Hi Gerard, hi Hana, its been too long since we shared what we earn with your franchisees. It's not alot, and I wish we could do more, but the least we can do is stretch our month's budget to meet your other kind giver's offer. Having a tight month is a great reminder of keeping things in perspective: its nothing on how hard things must be for your franchisees. You guys do an amazing job, and I feel blessed to be a small part of it. Thankyou so much for reminding us all to share what we are fortunate enough to have :-)
Hilary Morton
Hilary Morton on 24 Jan 2014

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Catalyst Microfranchising (Charity)
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This campaign started on 22 Jan 2014 and ended on 22 Feb 2014.