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Just for Jess

  • Update for 27/02/2014

      27 February 2014

    Thank you so much to everyone for your support to date. Its been a difficult month, Jess - a semi-summary of the journey so far: 2 biopsies, 10 chemo sessions, major hair thinning (regular bandana wearer), many many days of neutopenia and no immunity, many scans, tests, xrays, two blood transfusions, one platelet transfusion, 3 night stay in hospital when extrememly unwell (which apart from the food was actually enjoyed as was nice to have company in the shared ward), not to mention well over a hundred jabs with needles (and she used to faint with needles). then the challenges of major body aches and pains, the other unpleasant side affects over a bowl, being unable to open her mouth or talk or eat due to the mouth ulcers, bringing food back up for no apparent reason, many many many hours waiting at the hospital - (big thanks to the nurses who are absolute wonderful darlings! ) radiation booked for april, which unfortunately looks like damaging the valves around her heart permanently, and throat temporarily (with lifelong pills for thyroid). its such a shame that there isn't some machine somewhere in the world that can detect the minutest seed like cell to prevent unnecessary radiation and ongoing health issues from it... vicious circle... Thank you so much once again for your generous support to assist with this difficult journey! xo

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